Hi, I’m Cat.

I discovered my calling to train as a therapist in my early twenties, having found healing in my own journey after many years of suffering and unsuccessful treatments. My awakening was supported by spending time with people, in places and doing things that really nourished me; I reconnected with a belief in the love and light in this world, and a powerful motivation to be well enough to appreciate this in its fullest. I was guided to a holistic programme of recovery and, following some incredible transformations in my life, I realised I didn’t want to become a famous actress after all. I wanted to share the gift of healing with others.

Over the next ten years as I continued learning through my own experiences, I studied the mind and therapeutic approaches. I took a bachelors in psychology, and trained in yoga and meditation. I knew I wanted to combine the expertise of research-based Western psychological approaches with the wisdoms of holistic, Eastern approaches. I took a masters in developmental clinical psychology at the Anna Freud Centre, and fell in love with psychoanalytic approaches to understanding the unconscious, healing through safety in relationships, and working at early intervention with children and parents. After starting my own psychoanalysis and a few years more trainee work across nurseries, schools and clinics, in 2018 I began a doctoral training in psychoanalytic child and adolescent psychotherapy, and full-time work within the NHS. I continued practicing yoga, though teaching less frequently, alongside this work.

Over my last eight years of working in the NHS in London, my work ranged from weekly long-term psychotherapy with children aged 0-18 and parents, to consultancy and training for parents and professionals around families to support systemic change. I found a particular calling for working with mothers suffering with trauma, relational difficulties and burnout, and published some of my research in this field. I also found great reward in offering consultation within nurseries and schools. I approached this work with my holistic lens, supporting children and parents to find healing in their lifestyle as well as through therapy; in things like movement practices, creative expression, hobbies, and positive peer relationships. Across all my work is a heartfelt calling towards interrupting cycles of transgenerational trauma.

In 2024, I left the NHS to expand my work more as an independent practitioner, and create more space for studying and working with holistic approaches. I have since returned to my roots in yoga and taken an advanced teacher training with my original school in India, and studied further in holistic therapies including reiki, chakra balancing, meditation, breathwork, sound healing and plant medicine-assisted therapy.

I now work as an independent holistic psychotherapist and coach, integrating the influences of this range of therapeutic approaches. I work with clients to find the recovery journey that will work best for them, within the therapy room and beyond.

Trainings and accreditations

Psychology & Psychotherapy

  • Bachelors in Psychology - Cardiff University

  • Masters in Developmental Psychology and Clinical Practice - Anna Freud Centre & UCL

  • Doctorate in Psychotherapy, Psychoanalytic Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy - British Psychotherapy Foundation, Anna Freud Centre & UCL 


  • Video-feedback Intervention for Positive Parenting (VIPP-SD) Practitioner - Anna Freud Centre

  • Incredible Years Parent Training Programme Facilitator - Incredible Years UK

  • Workplace trainings & CPD include: Working with couples, working with nueurodiversity, safeguarding, first aid, crisis response and safety planning, working with self-harm, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) approaches, Dialectical Behavioural Therapy (DBT) approaches, Compassion-Focused Therapy (CFT) approaches

I am accredited and registered with the British Psychotherapy Foundation and Association of Child Psychotherapists

Movement and Holistic Therapies

  • Yoga Teacher Training Ashtanga Vinyasa 200hrs - Sampoorna Yoga

  • Teaching Yoga and Mindfulness to Teens - Teen Yoga Foundation

  • Teaching Yoga to Children ages 4-11 Certification - Yoga Bananas

  • Teaching Yoga for Autism & ADHD - Special Yoga

  • Partner Acrobatics Teacher Training 175hrs - Partner Acrobatics

  • Advanced Vinyasa Yoga Teacher Training 300hrs - Sampoorna Yoga

  • Reiki Levels 1, 2, 3 and Master level - Monica Roman

  • Holistic Therapies training including meditation, breathwork, chakra balancing and sound healing - Siddha Healings

I am accredited and registered as a yoga teacher for adults, teens and children, and holistic therapist, with Yoga Alliance UK